
medical inventory software SERP

Heard Of Dynamic Title Tags?

I’ve discovered what appears to be a glitch in Google’s algorithm and it results in two title tags showing in the SERPs for a single landing page, dependent on the search query. Is Google doing this intentionally, or is this actually a glitch in the algorithm? The Discovery I was conducting routine checks on some […]

Four Principles of Psychology You Can Use to Improve Your Writing

The following post comes to us from Victoria Greene, a writer and branding consultant who blogs at Victoria Ecommerce. Here she offers advice to writers and brands looking to make an impact with better writing. The human psyche is a mysterious place. Psychologists over the years have tried their best to understand it, and everyone […]

A Kick-start Guide to Content Marketing on Facebook

It’s a fact – content rocks todays marketing. It costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates 3 times as many leads (DemandMetric). It’s no surprise that according to Content Marketing Institute, 93% of B2B marketers rely on content to promote their brands. But, given the wealth of different platforms, in order to fully avail […]

Picture of strategizing on a white board.

Content Marketing Strategy: Marketers Share their Favorite Books, Blog Posts & Resources

“Strategy” can be kind of a dubious term. As someone who has done a lot of acquisition and transaction-oriented marketing work, I’m sometimes a bit skeptical of an over-emphasis on strategy and under-emphasis on execution. That said: if you don’t have any strategy and direction at all, or if you’re chasing after the wrong goals, […]

Business blog image with a laptop and papers

Starting a Business Blog: Blogging Mistakes Companies Make on Corporate Blogs

Lots of companies are starting blogs. If you’re new to blogging, it’s tough to get traction and easy to make some of the various, common mistakes other blogs and bloggers (myself included) have made. To help new blogs and bloggers avoid some of the common pitfalls that companies make when starting a blog we’ve asked […]

Image of content with a crown

Content Promotion Ideas: 30 Creative Examples of Companies Promoting Content

Like a lot of people, I really love examples of things as a means of learning. In-depth case study content is one of my favorite types to consume. I really enjoyed reading both Jon Cooper’s original post on creative link building and his follow up post. Along those same lines, we asked 30 marketers to […]

What’s the #1 Habit of Successful Content Marketing Campaigns?

I find habits really interesting. One of my favorite recent reads was Charles Duhigg’s excellent book on the subject. I love Nir Eyal’s blog on behavior engineering. One of my favorite interview series is Copyblogger’s look at how smart people write. Because there are so many different ways to “win” and get traction in content […]

27 Marketing Experts Share Their Favorite Content Marketing Tools (And How They Use Them)

Regardless of if you’re a seasoned marketing veteran or relatively new to the Content Marketing world, there are tons of content marketing tools available on the market today (many of which are absolutely free) that are guaranteed to help you reach your marketing goals faster and easier. Whether it’s for content strategy, content creation, content […]

Things to Consider Before Interviewing Influencers

The first thing to consider when interviewing influencers is your objective. Are you trying to get additional readers and attention for your blog? Are you trying to get the maximum amount of exposure and links for the specific piece of interview content you’ve produced? Are you trying to create content via your interview for a […]